Thursday 28 March 2013

These Things I Know...

SO looking forward to this weekend. To doing nothing except potter and sit and relax. How is it Easter already?

These things I know:
Master T is now officially a teenager. Happy 13th to you Buddy Boy!

Miss T is spending time with her Aunty this school holiday. My sister is very keen to "get her hands on her" after recent issues with depression and low self esteem. I love family!

My new work situation is a bit trickier than it should be. I'm thinking the full moon has a lot to answer for.

The Silver Fox and I are heading to Melbourne soon to celebrate our 23 rd wedding anniversary. Yay!

Some people talk about their problems ALL the time. It is probably good to remember that others might have issues too but just choose not to discuss them.

I still feel gutted for the boys of The Block that they made so little profit. They didn't deserve that but were so very gracious.

I have tried hot yoga and l-o-v-e-d it. I still get strangely excited seeing my own personal sweat dripping on the ground.

I am teaching myself to run with the couch to 5 K app. I h-a-t-e running but my trainer friend told me to run somewhere lovely so it gives me something to look at. Why didn't I think of that! Might make a difference.

Both my parents are looking very relaxed and healthy. Mum in her dementia unit and Dad getting active again. So fantastic.

Have a lovely Easter folks. Remember you are Be -u-ti-ful!!!

Ciao for now

just Martha xxx

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Thursday 21 March 2013

Maybe a Bit Too Hasty?

I did a tidy a little while back and am now regretting my superior cleaning abilities which culminated in me tossing out clothes that I hadn't worn for a while.


Who made up that rule anyway "if you haven't worn something in 12 months chuck it out"?

Where for art thou little black skirt from Events that I wore to my brother's wedding?

Where for art thou pale blue woolen pants from Country Road that didn't q-u-i-t-e fit but would so now and be oh so perfect for Winter?

Do you ever do that? Remorse?

I did once give my clothes to a person who worked on food vans at night who then preceded to tell me things like " Oh, I gave that nice brown top to a lovely prostitute. She was thrilled". I found myself scanning crowds for said top and therefore a potential prostitute. Couldn't seem to stop it. Way too much information.

So, sigh, I will suck it up I suppose. There must be a very fine line between the 12 month rule and becoming a hoarder!

Ciao for now

just Martha xx

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Thursday 14 March 2013

What Do You Think?

What do you say to yourself every day?
Are your thoughts... Supportive? Positive? Kind?
Or do you fill yourself with doubt? Doubting your ability, your self, your way.
Do you have e ability to let those negative thoughts go or do you dwell. And stew.
And believe them to be true?
I am just about to read the Happiness Trap by Russ Harris. It sounds great. I will let you know how it goes. The first thing I have noticed is what beautiful quality the pages are.

Good start

Ciao for now

just Martha xxx

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Saturday 9 March 2013


Miss T has had her phone taken off her for quite a few weeks due to a large Internet usage above and beyond the allocated amount. Apparently I was to blame as I took the modem during school holidays. Okay, so what to do? Miss T was given a choice of doing chores to repay the $84 or, have her phone taken away for a period of 1 month. Fair right? Miss T didn't think so really but after doing a couple of chores ($5 for cleaning the car- it was clearly going to take a long time) she gave me her phone for a month with the option of working the time off in chores too. Hmm, negotiation. I like that. Okay, fair enough. The aim is to realize a) the value of money b) the effort it takes to earn money and c) the need to exercise a few restraints with phone/Internet usage and d) to show some further level of responsibility for actions.
I try to teach my children that with independence comes responsibility. The more independent they wish to be, the more responsible they need to be. Quite deep really but something I push on a daily basis. Miss T goes to soccer after school so needs to text me she has arrived. Life is a trust thing and letting them grow up means helping them to make good decisions.
Miss T did rise to the challenge. She came home from school and after homework washed and vacuumed cars, cleaned the garage, rearranged cupboards... She even did Master T's chores which meant that she got paid for them and not him, much to his disgust. But again, consequences, independence and responsibility. She got her phone back 2 weeks early AND put found an APP to follow her Internet usage so as to not go over again. Good for her.
My job is to follow through, remain calm and logical and give praise when due.
Fair enough
Ciao for now
just Martha xx
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Thursday 7 March 2013

The Ark...

It has been so wet here lately I was wondering if we need to think about building one of these?

Might be a good idea don't you think?

ciao for now

just Martha. xxx

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Tuesday 5 March 2013


I am sitting here quietly, waiting, the dog by my side, my cup of chai tea warming my hands. The Silver Fox is due back any minute from a meeting and the Teenies will burst through the door in approximately 32 minutes. This is the calm before the storm. Ideally I should make lunches, get dinner started, walk the dog. Should. But I am enjoying the peace and quiet after a busy day.

I look around and see chores needing to be done. I will get to them but not just yet. It was Master T's first guitar lesson so I am interested to hear how negotiating 2 buses went with the guitar and silently hoping that he can leave it at home and just use the one from the school. I used to learn the clarinet and always dreamed of learning the flute because it would have fit so much better in my school bag. A guitar will definitely not.

My pooch is sleeping beside me even though she has probably slept all day. She looks content though now that someone is home. She looks relaxed. Watching her is relaxing too, her calmness is catchy.
I like quiet moments like these. I like my own company. It is rare to consciously take some time out but very good for the soul. I can highly recommend it.

I hear a key in the lock and the dog barks. We have told her before that burglars don't use keys, family do but she takes no notice...

Have a lovely afternoon

Ciao for now

just Martha xxx
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Sunday 3 March 2013

Birthday Wishes...

Master T's birthday is coming up so we are trying to get an idea of what he wants to do. Friends over?, sleep over?, dinner out? What gift he would like? You know the usual.
Imagine my surprise when he came back from bike riding last night at about 11 pm and said "I know what I want but you won't let me"
"We'll, I would need to know it first"
"I want to dye my hair blonde"
"Yep, probably not" I said
This morning I asked him why he had though of that and what makes him want bleach blonde hair?
"I think I might have bumped my head last night"
"Oh" this will be the first year of him being a teenager.
We have survived nearly 2 years of Miss T. So far we are a bit wiser.

Ciao for now

just Martha xx
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Friday 1 March 2013


I l-o-v-e this inspiration!

ciao for now

just Martha. xx

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