Friday 30 July 2010

Moments oF Love

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I thought today I could do an extra post on 'Moments of Love' as I continue my journey with you on becoming aware of me, myself and I. What makes me tick? What brings me joy. What do I love. I think it is important to look around and know who you are. So, as I was waking my gorgeous children in our usual morning ritual, I realized something. As I went and woke Tweenie Son, I realized that I l-o-v-e waking him after a long sleep. I wake him first, always. So, hhhmmmmmm, why do I love it? I pondered on this. Not a usual joy for Mums - waking their sleeping children. Can be a bit unpredictable at times really. Then I knew........... Then it came to me. He wakes up exactly as he did when he was a little baby!!!! He stretches and wiggles and rolls over. And his eyes open and he smiles at me. He always turns his head to the side which means I can sneak in a kiss on his beautiful neck and breathe in his scent. (Oh I know I won't always be wanting to breathe in his smell! He is 10 now so I know gross smells are to come!!) He always wakes up happy. For those friends with children do you remember when they finally woke and spotted you and their little faces lit up with love? Your heart melted because you made this wonderous being? This time of the morning seems to be our time, our special Moment of Love. He might not realize it, he might never realize it. But I do....

I remember when my parents used to wake me growing up. If my Mum came in saying 'uppy puppy' it would make all 3 of us cross. AND it is the same with my children - they hate it. How funny!!! I can get away with 'rise and shine' or 'better get up- buttercup'. My Dad, whom I love dearly, used to come in on a Sunday singing 'Morning Has Broken' - now THAT used to drive me insane. Definitely no smiles from me. As a teenager it made me so cross!!! He would have made a huge cooked breakfast with potato pancakes, bacon... the lot and I would be crabby as. How awful of me. I feel so bad, remembering. Poor Dad - ungrateful child!! Must apologize to him next time I see him.

  Friends, take joy in the everyday. Look around and be more aware of you life and appreciate what you do have. Be mindful of the everyday. Think about it. What moments do you love?......

Ciao for now

just Martha


  1. oh loved this post Martha. we do really need to take a moment to enjoy what we do have... so true. thank you for your visit to my blog. yes, some people do look good in hats. not me. have a nice day! xo

  2. My Dad used to play Bachs Toccata & Fugue at full blast on a Sunday morning when I was a teenager. HIs sense of humour always was warped and he thought it the most hilarious way to wake me up! I still dislike that piece of music but we all laugh about it now.

  3. Thank you so much for commenting. Maybe you remember what it is like to start blogging and the thrill of having someone you haven't physically met leaving a comment..... it makes my heart sing. Thank you!!!


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