Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Special Powers...

Do you have a special power? Wonder Woman had her magic lasso to make her assailants tell the truth. (I could use one of those...) There were many super heroes: Superman, Batman... (why was there never a Super Woman? Hello? I think it is a conspiracy...)  all with their own special tricks. What is your secret power? Mine is........'the look'!! I can melt steel at 2 meters with my look!! You know, 'the look'. It my family it has been affectionately christened as 'the hairy eyeball' Now do you know what I am referring to? Best secret weapon a Mother can have. No noise, no ugly scenes, no politically incorrect displays of violence. The 'look' does it all in a calm way, with the underlying promise of repercussions....  Now, no one in my family is shielded from receiving a 'look', they get one if they deserve it. Yes folks, even the Silver Fox is not immune. He gets 'the look', more often than he should. It works. He just sighs and stops whatever he is doing. Sometimes he decides I am being unfair and starts to give me a look (imagine!) Sometimes an argument is what we need but usually he succumbs, like a lamb. Oh, I'm not power hungry Bloggers. I have been entrusted with this special power to be used for good and never evil. I take it very seriously. I only use it when I absolutely have to!! I am a strict Mum. I care if fingers are used in dinners. I care if manners are forgotten. There is nothing worse than seeing an adult unable to use cutlery correctly. (I'm being dramatic - of course there are worse things but you know what I mean. To me it means that no one cared enough about them to instill this simple skill) In my family if you won't use your manners at the dinner table you get sent to the garage to eat. Yep, it's true. Ask my children. They get a few 'looks', some verbal reminders and then - whoooshka they are off to the garage.  I digress...

Apparently, according to reliable sources, I have different 'looks' for different occasions. I have looks to 'be quiet', looks to 'cut it out', looks that say 'wait until I get you alone'......... I even have looks that say 'Not happy Jan'..... When we were on holiday in Fiji I apparently had a look that said 'don't eat that or you will get food poisoning' followed by a look that said 'don't say I didn't warn you....'.  (just for the record the Silver fox did have gastro..... see, I was right!!) When Miss Tweenie was getting Christened LJ (sister) was helping me make salads. She got the 'look' because she was cutting the onion way too thick for the potato salad. She said, and I quote, 'I can feel your eyes boring into the side of my head.." Too true, I was. She did, however, succumb to my special power. She didn't stand a chance. (I was cooking a hot meal for 50 people with a 6 week old - hello!! What was I thinking?I was so stressed I think she got off lightly after all I did have a knife in my hand!!....) 

So fellow Bloggers, think long and think hard about your special power. I know it is there because we are all Super Women, every day in every way....

Ciao for now 

just Martha


  1. I wish I knew what my special power was! I have been told I have different looks for certain things, but I wasn't aware that I did!

  2. This is great! I need to employ a similar "look". If I do have a special power it has yet to make itself known. Hmmm...


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