Thursday, 24 February 2011

Miracles Do Happen...


I was brought to tears the other day at work. Nothing awful happened. Something so very wonderful happened. Not to me but I was on the sidelines, witnessing it all. A long awaited baby arrived. A 'never thought it would happen' baby. A 'I dare not believe it is real' baby. He was real. A-n-d he was perfect... Welcome little Zachariah. Welcome to the world. His name means 'remembered by God'. Now, how can you not shed a tear too?

 Ciao for now...



  1. A true gift to be treasured.

    Felicity x

  2. Beautiful little photo at the top of this post, and what a wonderful, heartwarming story! I bet the parents are over the moon, and I am so thrilled and excited for them. Welcome to the world little Zachariah - may you always be blessed.


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