Friday, 25 February 2011

Workshop Bliss...

 I am off on a professional workshop this weekend so you know what that means? Time to myself, education, dinner out, no cooking AND staying in a hotel room. Ahhhh! Bliss!! I can't wait. Meanwhile The Silver Fox gets some time with his kiddies without me. Sounds like heaven...

So, in the interest of anticipation, I thought I would show you some gorgeous bedrooms! Probably a bit nicer than where I am staying but hey, you never know...

Nice cushions. I might get a bit seasick looking at that wallpaper for too long...
Slight pop of red...
Look at those bedside tables...
Ahh, the focal point of yellow. I like those yellow and gray cushions...
OH, I seem to have chosen  black and white theme with gray! Looking nice and luxurious...

 Ciao for now...


  1. I like the last photo the best! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. As you say, what a treat! Especially the no cooking bit. Enjoy and come back and tell us all about it.

  2. Enjoy . . . hope you get the hotel room of your dreams.


  3. Ahhhh, sounds fantastic Martha! Its nice to escape the kids from time to time & do nothing but uninterupted grown up stuff. Enjoy!!!

  4. No cooking, husband or kids...sounds like heaven to me..enjoy your weekend even if it does include work ! Kym X


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