Monday, 28 February 2011

Pens Ready...

Look at that gorgeous chair!
I had a w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l weekend at my workshop and guess what? I wore THE DRESS to dinner! Huge success. Bit of a show stopper actually. Much better than a chest of drawers...

I am about to embark on some study. It is to further my evil plan. Mwahahaha!!! (wringing of hands) You see, as a Mummy, as a working Mummy, I can not reconcile myself with school holidays. I don't get the whole 4 weeks per year I get versus the 12 weeks per year they get. I just don't get the whole situation. I don't want my kiddies looked after by others (at a huge cost which makes working a bit obsolete for this period of time plus the quality of care can be a bit suspect). I l-o-v-e them and I want to spend the time with them. It is like a reward after all the rushing and cajoling through the term to be able to relax at the other end of it all. I've been trying to laterally solve this dilemma for years!! I used to work weekends which ticked all the boxes and solved a lot of it but didn't suit my total family life. Plus, now Miss T is in High School, she is ineligible for vacation care! What do parents do with their Tweeagers? I mean I could reciprocate a few days here and there but the 8 weeks gap!  

So, anyhoo.... back to my evil plan! I am going to study so that I can teach in tertiary educational facilities AND have school breaks off!  I plan to work in my field part time, teach and then I only need to cover 2 days per week which I can take holidays for. What do you think?

So, in anticipation of my future well organized life ... I thought a few pictures of gorgeous studies might help to excite me about the prospect of studying for the next umpteenth months... 


Oh! Another gorgeous chair...
There is something about this green isn't there?
The window seat here might be a bit distracting mind...
oops! gorgeous chair again...
Simplicity at best...

Ciao for now... 


  1. Oh what a very cunning plan you have there! I wish you good luck with it all. I love the photos of those wonderful chairs. I think my favourites are numbers 1 and 2 and, like you, I love that green! Here's to a well organized life and spending more time with your children.

  2. Brilliant plan. What exactly will you be studying and for how long? Wish I could just pass my education degree over to you, Martha, as I am not using it. :)

    Pictures of you at the dinner?

    Glad you had a great time and welcome home.


  3. Well, good for you, Martha. And Glenda's right - we need to see THE dress. J x


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