Monday, 21 February 2011

Mirror Mirror On The Wall...


A little exercise if you will. Stand in front of the mirror. Any which way you like: clothed, un-clothed, in your pyjamas..... Now, what do you see? Do you see the good bits or are you focusing on what you don't wish to see? Take your time. Keep looking. Turn this way and that. Hands on hips, hands by your side.... tilt your head to the side. Take a deep breath. And look. Keep looking...
Keep looking....

Do you like anything? Say three things out loud you like.

Go on, no one is listening. Except the most important person in the world. Y-O-U

You are not to mention what you are not fond of. Only what you like.

If you are finding this hard you need to keep practicing, every day, until you are able to be kind to yourself.

And real. You have to be real. And truthful. But. You can only look at yourself through kind eyes. No criticizing.

Now, get a beautiful journal type book and write those 3 things down

Congratulations. You have begun. Your journey to you.

I am being serious here bloggers. The journey to you has begun...

Ciao for now...


  1. Thank you! I will try this as I am and always have been so critical of myself. Have a lovely day! Mimi xx

  2. Your scaring me here, Martha. :) But you do have me thinking . . . I don't always like the way I look, while I always like the way I think and act. Hmm . . .



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