Thursday, 10 March 2011

Catch You Later...

Goodbye My Love...
The Silver Fox is going away to work for a few weeks.... well 6 weeks really. He is driving 20 hours away so there will be no nipping home for the weekend. He will be popping back for Master T's 11th birthday as he bought them both tickets to see Nitro Circus and really it would NOT be the same boy-bonding experience if I went along instead. 

He has left this morning. He is excited about going away and I am too as it will be a great experience for him. We will cope without him...just.  I am determined not to revert to my anxiety ridden self where I clean and tidy until 2 in the morning!! You can hold me to my promise. Last time the Silver Fox lived away all week and only came back on the weekends (here). I think that was about 3 years ago and went on for a couple of years. The kiddies are a bit older now so life it should be easier. 

The kiddies are going to miss him like crazy. Master T and him are in that boy-zone that is needed for Tweenies and do lots of things together. Miss T is also practicing her feminine wiles in her Dad as 13year olds do. There were lots of tears. The Silver Fox has only just learned to email. Yay!! I have also joined him to Skype and he has had a practice so it will be good for us all to 'see' him often. 

So, hopefully these weeks will fly past. ... 

 Ciao for now...


  1. Thank goodness for e=mail, and especially Skype. At least you will be able to feel a little closer together, unlike just having telephone conversations as in the past. Obviously, you are all going to miss Silver Fox, but at least you all have the birthday to look forward to at the moment.

  2. Hope it flies by for all of you ;)

    Skype is fab - our 2 year old loved being able to see the Hubs when he was recently in the US, then me in Bali (must admit though he ran off the play with cars shortly into the coversation!).

    No late night cleaning now... ;)

  3. My husband use to travel a lot and we tried to do a lot of fun things while he was gone . . . but alas, we still missed him. I pray you find joy, even with him gone and that the time goes relatively quickly.

    Ok. When my husband travels,(his trips are shorter now,) I sleep with a rolling pin on his side of the bed. I want a weapon of some sort, and I am kinda afraid of guns. So there you go . . . I am either a wimp or a good Girl Scout who is always prepared.


  4. The beauty of technology is that it does lessen the distance impact. Good luck... my husband goes away for work quite often, and it does renew your appreciation for one another. Just trying to keep it positive! :)


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