Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Contemporary Me...

I have internet back again with no apology, explanation or apparent concern from my server. Grrr. (Only 19 months to go until the contract expires!) So did a little quiz on Rain and Sages's blog. Apparently I like the contemporary look, so here are a few images from the quiz....

I think I like the green in this one...
We have blue glass in our house a la Silver Fox' style. Not as blue as this though...
I really like the windows and the outlook of this room
Again the pop of green. Must be having a green day...
Not really sure about this one but like the black chairs...
Simple, sleek, non-fussy

Ciao for now... 


  1. I love all things simple and sweet!
    Much inspiration in all of these pictures xx

  2. I have just come back from Design School and was learning about Modern etc.. rooms! Mimi xx


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