Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Mirror, Mirror...


A little while ago I gave you all a job to do. You had to look in the mirror and name 3 things, 3 p-o-s-t-i-v-e things you liked about your physical appearance. They could only be positive, and you needed to write them down. Did you do your homework? 

Today you also need to look into the mirror but this time gaze deeper. Today we are going to look at 3  things you like about being you. What makes you you!! Think personality, think positive traits... It has to be positive. What makes you are good friend? What about caring or loyal or thoughtful? Homework: Write down 3 aspects of your personality that you admire about yourself. That you think are pretty good. Go on, you can do it....

 Ciao for now...


  1. This is a wonderful project Martha and something that we should do more often.

    I was inspired to something similar recently - see here:


    xx Felicity

  2. Hi Martha
    Well I can say that these days looking in the mirror doesn't bother me as much.. I lost 20kgs in the last 6 months or so.. had an insulin problem and with no sugar and no carbs the weight went bye bye...

    I know we shouldn't be so focussed on looks and weight. but it felt like I was wearing someone else's body.. so I'm very happy to have 'me' again.. and probably much more accepting of the old me now..

    Thanks for your kind comments on my banskia images.. funny i took so long to post them.. your lovely comment made it worthwhile

    hope you and yours are well.. ciao xxxx Julie


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