Sunday 30 September 2012


The Silver Fox is soon to depart again for hotter pastures where work does beckon and the time frame promised is a mere 5 weeks. Hopefully only 5 weeks. Last time that turned into 9 months. Well, we all survived I know but not having him around is just not the same. We have been married now for 22 years and you know, a girl gets used to having someone around!

The Silver Fox has been home now for 10 months and life for us has been forever changed. In a good way, no a great way. I'm not really able to define it but he is more 'giving' of himself. And we are all loving it, including him. So we are s-q-u-e-e-z-i-n-g in some quality family time and this long weekend helps. We took the kids and the dog on our favourite walk around the point at Coolangatta this morning. We sat and watch whales breeching at Point Danger, walked and talked. Okay, the walk w-a-s 3 hours so there were some grumbles but not from us or the dog. She l-o-v-e-d it! I have lined up some surfing lessons too. Miss T is keen but Master T has already had a few so "knows all about it" Hmmm, we will see.

Tomorrow brings completion of a few chores and a bit of couple time whilst the kids help their Grandfather do some gardening and fill a trailer with rubbish. Not sure what we will get up to. Maybe I can make him come for a run with me and we can walk back along the beach and talk, plan, scheme and just 'be'. I have made the Silver Fox make a few promises like not working too hard and not getting enough sleep. I have lots to do while he is away and have the easy end of the bargain with lots of distractions to fill my day: kids to come home to, sport, chores etc.... He at least is staying with friends so will have some company around. It can get very lonely being by yourself.

 Already my heart is heavy with dread at him going. Almost like some part of me is missing and I feel kind of off balance.

You know?

 Ciao for now...



  1. Oh Martha, yes I do know what you mean. My hubby was in the Armed Forces for 25 years, so separation became a way of life, which is not always easy with young children. Let's hope that it will only be five weeks this time. I think you can cope with that. But how lovely that he is now more giving of himself. That is something that men find quite difficult to do I think, so perhaps the separation was worth it! Take care.

  2. Ah, those separations are so hard. Do you guys skype? It sure helps.


  3. Oh Martha, I'm sorry to read this. You soldiered on so admirably last time. No wonder you feel like this. Sending you a huge ♥ J x


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