Wednesday 17 November 2010

Fridge Confessions...

What is your fridge confession? Anything you want to share? What do you always have in your fridge? What is your secret pleasure? What dies in your fridge?..............

Sometimes, I have fainty carrots....

Ciao for now 

just Martha


  1. The top of our fridge is where Mummy's little helpers reside, chocolates etc. Far away from the little peoples line of vision or reach! :)

  2. I am a clean freak so will admit to always having to have a 'shiny' fridge. Inside is a little different - I am not the cook in our house so I definitely find wilted veges in our bin often. But my fridge always has a bottle of bubbles in it! Michelle

  3. My fridge would fail the clean test absymally! Always have beer, as it's not nice to see a grown man lie down on the kitchen floor & sob like a child when he's desperate at the end of a long hot day working outdoors & there's not a cold stubbie to be seen!
    Millie ^_^


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