Wednesday, 16 February 2011

just Blogger Love...

There are a few Bloggers on the block that I look forward to visiting each day. Some are new and some you may already know. If you have time... have a peek:

Me Me Me It's All About Me

My Photo
         Faux Fuchsia
I Endorse Good Grooming, Glamour, Blowdried Hair, Dresses (which I call frocks), Barbie Nostalgia, Decorating, Cooking and Entertaining, Gardening, Decluttering, Watching Movies, Reading, Thank you notes and Unchipped Nail Polish. I am also horrified by the utter Horribleness of Maternity Clothes. And I would never ever Knowingly Undercushion.
 I have just discovered the fabulous Faux Fuchsia! Look, I know she is a favourite for many of you and well deservedly. This is a blog full of style and makes me roar with laughter. I'm not usually a 'roarer'. And as she doesn't 'love' something but 'luffs' it. I also l-o-v-e her use of words! I think of her often and it makes me chuckle. So, do pop in for some style and fun.... You will 'luff' it..

Annie at a View On Design features beautiful houses and the house plans. I have always loved plans for houses which are usually oogled over as the house is being built. This Blog is lovely for being able to see the finished product. She has some wonderful houses from all over Australia to view plus a large variety of pages. This Blog is one I will eagerly seek and spend some time over.

Scrapbook is a newish Blog but one filled with such style and design. Melissah has many pages to flick through and I am sure you will spend quite a bit of time looking at her wonderful Blog.

Have fun. Do you have any favourite favourite Blogs???

Ciao for Now


  1. I love those blogs, they are a great daily read. ;-)

  2. I love the header for View on Design . . . reminds me of the colorful doors in Ireland.



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