Friday 16 November 2012

Wonder Woman Does Gymnastics...

I had an interesting day yesterday
It started off with a mammogram. A bit of "boob gymnastic". A necessary evil given my family history but hey, it did crossed my mind when they were being squished into interesting 1 dimensional shapes, "this can't be good for them?". I wonder if there is a study on that.
Also, one of my patients thought I looked like Wonder Woman.
I had pictures of Wonder Woman doing gymnastics!
I think her magic lasso would be very useful
Have a nice Friday
Which superhero do you look like?
ciao for now
just Martha xx
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. There's a cartoon called 'manogram' on the wall of where I have my mammograms. It's a drawing of a man standing at a machine which is squashing his willy between 2 glass plates. It does tend to take your mind off what's happening to you!


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