Tuesday 6 August 2013

Thank You Scouts...

Miss T recently had reason to thank her scout training for fine first aid skills and a level head.

Want to hear the story?

Miss T has a job in a Thai restaurant. She got it by her self with her superb résumé which included such achievements as "not getting a detention at school"

So, Miss T attended a get together a-f-t-e-r work. Quite important to know, that bit

She walked in to said get together to find one of her friends unconscious and another barely breathing. From alcohol. From too much alcohol. It would turn out to be 1/2 bottle of vodka each poured inside these 2 tiny girls.

She set to work. Recovery positions for both, dragging one outside as she was vomiting and Miss T was saving the bed from getting to messy.

After some discussion with the parents of the home, Miss T recommended an ambulance be called as " I think this girl is worse than we think"

Sure enough, ambulance came, intubated the girl at the scene and took her to Intensive Care

She then went to get the other girl's Mother so skateboarded down the road (with her barely healing torn MCL on her inner knee). They watched her together for a while then called her an ambulance. He blood alcohol turned out to be 2 point something

Basically she saved her friends's lives. Particularly the one sent to Intensive Care. The Silver Fox rang during the beginning to ask is she wanted a strawberry milkshake when he picked her up. "Sure" she said "but when you get here there is a bit of stuff going down". The police came, people were interviewed. Miss T hung around in case she was needed to answer questions and help.

She was a star

Level headed, calm, quick thinking...

We are proud

Naturally we used this as a learning opportunity and discussed alcohol but more importantly why friends weren't looking out for each other. We also discussed risky behaviour and loss of control. She agreed

We are far from happy that one of the other parents bought 2 bottles of vodka to send along and hope that there will be consequences because there were a lot of "what ifs" that cold have been very real. We are also far from happy Miss T is exposed to this. But. We are realists and know that we still have influence at this stage so rather than ban her, we discuss, teach and support.

Geez, this business is tricky but I am so very proud of her. She doesn't however wish to be a nurse or an ambulance officer. Pity, she is very good at it.

Ciao for now

just Martha. xxx
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad



  1. You have every reason to be proud of her - and her friends should be forever thanksul that she is her friend. It is so hard being a parent of teenagers today, we can only teach them the best that we can and hope they are able to keep a level head and see things for what they really are. I am so glad my youngest is nearly 21 and all of that is over for me.

  2. You have every right to be very proud of her, thank goodness she was there!


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