Sunday, 13 February 2011

Simple Abundance...

Simple awareness of beauty that is surrounding our everyday

Simple, adj  1. without embellishment; 2. clarity of form and thought; 3. fundamental

Abundance, n 1. an ample quantity, profusion; 2. wealth; 3. plentifulness

Simple Abundance, 1. an inner journey; 2. a spiritual and practical course in creative living; 3. a tapestry of contentment

Sarah talks about us being aware that we already possess all the inner wisdom. strength and creativity needed to make our dreams come true. We may not realize it because it is buried so deep beneath bills, laundry and the every day demands that mean we may not be able to access our inner sources. Simple Abundance is about an authentic awakening as we already possess all we need to be genuinely happy. There are 6 main principles that guide this awareness, this inner journey. They are gratitude, simplicity, order, harmony, beauty and joy. 

Sound interesting?  I will be doing a snippet here and there so feel free to come on this journey, to comment, to agree... or not.

 Ciao for now...

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