Sunday 29 April 2012

Alpha Charlie...


I'm a bit obsessed by this at the moment. Not sure why. Maybe watching too much TV. Or maybe it is the whole competent / uniform sort of thing for me.

Not sure

Ciao for now...


Friday 27 April 2012

A Spoon Full of Sugar...


There was always trouble in my house growing up. Big trouble. When someone was ill and there was a tablet to be taken. There was lots of yelling and shouting, occasionally vomiting. Drama. Anxiety. Stress. You get the picture.


As kids we were never very good at taking tablets. Especially my sister. She was the worst. Still is. Still traumatized by shouts of "swallow it", "swallow it". Of course she never could. Who could with all that chaos going on? Even now you will find a little hole in a piece of bread where she has snuck a little bit to help a tablet go down. Or you will find half a biscuit... same reason.

When my kids were small I vowed and declared tablet taking would not be an issue. Ever. I baffled them with logic. Showed them a tablet and compared it to food they normally ate highlighting the size difference and that a tablet was t-i-n-y compared to them scoffing down a piece of, say, chocolate. I got them to put the table to the back of their throat and, with a mouthful of water, hold their chin up in the air and swallow. Worked a treat. No issues, no yelling, no worries. Even now they swallow down alarmingly large fish oil tablets without any trouble.

In this world there are battles to be fought and taking pills really doesn't rank too highly on the list of war fare. I'm not sure why my Mother squared her shoulders to do battle. Surely a different approach, maybe like Mary Poppins...

What were you traumatized about as a kid?

I was notorious for making the car stop here and there so I could do a wee. When we would travel far, instead of looking for important landmarks, comments were made about how I passed urine "there, there and even there". Myers carpark in Brisbane was always on the list. Good to know. I used to have panic attacks in the back of the car when my Dad wouldn't stop with a "you can't possibly want to go a-g-a-i-n!" I don't think I had a cheap bladder. When I think back my Dad would n-e-v-e-r stop and I think the worry used to stress me out. The Myers carpark happened after a 4 hour car trip after they let me have a milkshake before I left. Hello people. Asking for trouble!

Aah, memories. Got to love them

Ciao for now... 

Thursday 26 April 2012

Right Neighbourly of You...


Where I live we have lovely neighbours. Not 'in your pocket' neighbours but we catch up for bbqs and if an alarm goes off, we all come to check it out. Recently one neighbour left her garage door half way down and with no cars in the garage, phone calls were made to check if it needed closing. That sort of thing. If Master T has forgotten his key, usually someone takes him in until I get home.

The neighbours on one side of me live in America and come for 6 months of the year. They are a couple with 2 boys and conversations along the street revolve around when they are coming back and then when they are going. Not because we wish them gone but so we can organise catch ups and then a good bye gathering with the neighbourhood. This year we had a progressive dinner and with 10 children between 4 couples, and with ages between 1 and 16, we fairly share the mess too.

We all live in fear though that each other can hear the goings on in the next door household. One neighbour has 4 boys and thinks we can hear her yelling. We can't. I can't even hear the neighbour's on the other side of me except when I am outside.

My gorgeous American neighbours have left this week for good as their eldest is school age and needs to be back to start and the school holidays coincide with their busy time in their restaurant so it will be too difficult to live like they have for the last 4 years with Northern Winters spent in Australia. Sad really as they are a fantastic little family. But, it has been wonderful knowing them and seeing their beautiful boys grow.

The street is quite sad though as they have been a big part of our lives and afternoons in Summer were spent under a tree while the kids skate board or bike ride up and down the road with some of the adults. The place feels quite empty at the moment, probably compounded by the knowledge that they won't be back.

We are all a little flat... 

 Ciao for now...


Monday 23 April 2012

BMX Madness ...

Even though the Silver Fox worked until quite late on Saturday, there is always time and energy for Master T and him to do this. He is pretty proud of how much 'air' he gets

 It brings me joy to see my boys being together.

Ciao for now...


Saturday 21 April 2012

just Health...


Every year I focus on a little bit of 'me' to determine my health. Mammograms, 'girly bits' (this typed up as guilty bits first time around, how funny!), you get the picture.

Now I have been on a super-doper health kick for a while now. Not a fad type of kick but a 'do now what you can see yourself doing a year from now' sort of approach. I have always been healthy but am determined to be happy with 'me' before the dreaded decline in hormones. I think my mum went thought menopause in her late forties. Not sure. So at 45 I am ever mindful of the road ahead and although the path is well lit, I don't want it to be rockier than it need be.

I have mostly given up alcohol if you don't count the bottle of Verve champagne I shared with my sister (I am trying to be healthy people, not a saint), I don't smoke, I shun processed food and I have done boot camp after boot camp. This boot camp finishes in 1 week so I have my assessment next Saturday. (I am a bit injured this time as I fell off my bike a-g-a-i-n doing a mini-triatholon. Got me out of swimming though Yay!) I have been able to continue along this path to health for 9 months now. To date this is what I have achieved:
  • 13 kg weight loss
  • Lower cholesterol
  • High HDL cholesterol (that's good)
  • No surprises in my other blood tests
  • More energy than before
  • Nails are growing
  • Clearer skin
  • Sleep better
  • More relaxed with less +++ anxiety
  • Run 2.5 kms in 13 mins( Meh! It was 17 minutes! )
  • Bit anaemic but nothing a little constipating iron won't fix. Great!
  • Tiny bit of a tan from being outdoors despite the sunscreen
  • New fitness friends
I do this for me. I do this to be a good role model. And I do this to show that I am not always available to drop everything for others. Sounds funny but I want my family to respect that some things are important to me. And I deserve time to pursue my dreams and goals.

I couldn't have done this when the kiddies were smaller but it is nice to know that there comes a time when they get a little more sense and responsibility  and I get a little more me-time.

So, I will continue to run down my chosen path, set myself goals and understand myself better. What about you? How do you approach your path in life? Do you put yourself last or are you mindful of taking time to do what is important to you?  

Think about it and let me know

Ciao for now

just Martha

Thursday 19 April 2012

In The Beginning...

Well, our little puppy is having surgery tomorrow and getting desexed. Master T took this opportunity to explain the facts of life to our pup, starting at the very beginning and discussing the egg. I overheard this as he was sitting with Ginger in the back of the car. The chat went on for quite a while but ended with her asleep with her head on Master T's lap. He announced that he thought she was too young to know this stuff.

At 12, he is not. Apparently.

Ciao for now

just Martha

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Divine Find...

I have been peeking on line recently as I thought I would get some birthday gift shopping done early. To be organized. I came across a gorgeous site in the House and Garden magazine. Boat Shed make light weight beach towels which can also be used as a sarong and a wrap. They dry quickly and lack the bulk of a beach towel.

Perfect for my Sister In Law.

Go and have a peek. Nice Aussie product and they come in different colors and materials too.

I m-I-g-h-t have bought one myself. To try out, you know? I took it to the beach yesterday and it was perfect!

Ciao for now

just Martha

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday 16 April 2012

A Chore No Matter How You Look At It...

Yesterday I did a chore that I hate. But I really like the end result. The knowledge that all is as it should be.

Helping one of my children to clean their bedroom. That they messed up. By themselves. Deep breath. Look I know it is their bedroom but they offend my sense of order, of logic, of placement.

I was helping Master T. I set the clock for 1 hour and cajoled and coerced Master T to focus. I was treated to a full hour of LMFAO singing. I like the job done but finding the rubbish stuffed into corners or finding the Lego in all places except the Official Lego Box, makes my brow furrow. Finding ironing stuffed in drawers or school shorts chucked in the top of the wardrobe has me deep breathing to keep calm. I did find interesting things too like 3 pairs of good shorts with the elastic stripped out to make a bow and arrow a la Bear Grylls style. Inventive.

I am the sort of girl who, if you are looking for something, can yell out "third drawer on the right and to the back". How have I bred children without the same sense of order? Even a little? Look in know they are kids but to have such tantrums that they rooms are too messy to tidy when they messed them? I don't get it.

We sorted Master T's clothes too. I like that bit. At 12 years old he is still wearing size 8 shorts so we didn't need to reallocate much, except for the vast quantities he has literally worn out. We put a mountain of clothes in the washing with the promise that Master T is going to wash, hang out, fold and iron them and perhaps develop a little appreciation for the person who usually does it and become every so much more committed to putting the clothes away properly the first time.

Hmmm, we will see.

So, job done with Master T, now just Miss T to go. Might need to build up my stores of patience for that one

Ciao for now

just Martha
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday 12 April 2012

just Love-ly

I feel excitement in the air. Not like Christmas is coming but like there are changes a-happening and there are good vibes all around. Love is in the air.

I have a friend. She is an amazing person. She is funny, thoughtful, caring. And she is very clever. Her mind is quick, her interests are vast. She is passionate about life, her children, her world.

She is motivating and generally divine to be around. Oh, if she read this, she wouldn't believe a word of it. But, it is true. I know these things. I am an observer. I watch people, interactions, I 'see'. I can see strengths in people. And aspects to work towards.

My friend is heavenly


She is in love

Her smile goes from ear to ear. She can't eat or sleep or concentrate.
She is very special and seems to have met someone just as wonderful.
She shines. It is love-ly to see

Ciao for now
Just Martha
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

just Great Decisions...

Miss Ginger Sass

How can we resist?

 One of best decisions we have made as a family EVER, was to welcome this heavenly being into our lives. She is just so darn gorgeous...

Just thought you might like to know

 Ciao for now...


Tuesday 10 April 2012

Dead Sexy...


The Silver Fox did something wonderful the other day. I think it was dead sexy.

He offered to go grocery shopping. On the Thursday before Good Friday. When the shops were packed

Look, it is a job that needs doing and as I finish work a little earlier, I can do it.

But I think it was so very nice that he was the one doing it AND that he volunteered

Don't you?

What has been something nice someone has done for you?

 Ciao for now...


Saturday 7 April 2012

just Running...


Something happened recently. For the first time in... like..... ummm... 24 years. The Silver Fox came training with me. Actually he was giving me some pointers on running. From an observer's point of view. We went running yesterday with the puppy (to tire her out. Kids. Dog. Same same) and he said he could hear me "panting like a dog". Doesn't mince words my Silver Fox. I had my ipod going, ironically to distract me from hearing my breathing. As usual.

So today we set of for a nice 3km jog, shoulders back, deep breath in holding it in for a bit, knees higher... I need more practice but today I didn't have a stitch in my side like I usually do. It is different now. When I run I don't focus on surviving anymore. I can and do survive. Which is nice. Now I need to focus on technique. To improve, to get faster, to achieve. On the way back one of us rode the bike for 1 minute while the other sprinted. Then we stopped frequently and did push ups, sit ups, squats, step ups etc.... It was a bit sureal to be with him. Exercising. Coaching. It is not usually something we do. He does his stuff, I do mine. It has been so heavenly to be such a couple.

I have my 2 1/2km run coming up in three weeks and my goal is to do it under 12 minutes. My friend (a fireman) aims for under 9 minutes but hey, got to start somewhere. Yet another '12 Week Challenge' ending. Then we go on a cruise for 11 days. I hope those endorphins stay around

To be outside at 7am today, soaking up the sun, nodding hello to passersby.

Glorious! It is great to be alive.....

 Ciao for now...

Wednesday 4 April 2012

just Steamy...


 We have been running out of hot water for a while now. Luke warm, quick showers

You make do really. Especially with a builder in the house. A squirt of WD40 here, a bit of a whack there...

Now, it is fixed!!! We got a refrigerator mechanic to do it. Good as new!

Yay!! Made me realise how bad it in fact was. I was even boiling the kettle to make hot water for the dishes!

Now, I can once again enjoy. There is even steam rising. Sheer bliss

Do you put up with anything around the home? Make do? Think about it and let me know

 Ciao for now...


Tuesday 3 April 2012

Predicatable But Strangly Not...

Hmmm, this after just one day?

Master T is now in his last year of primary school and as a sign of seniority, he is a proud owner of a white sports shirt with the name of his peers beautifully printed on the back. Such a wonderful keepsake.


You can see my problem can't you?

It is a WHITE shirt

So long story short, I need to wash said shirt twice per week as no self respecting individual could be seen twice in said shirt after its first wear.

Luckily I have my EXIT stick which seems to do magic and remove the most evil of stains

But, although I cheerfully predicted that a white shirt on ANY 12 year old boy was asking for trouble, I have been somewhat surprised at the level of information I gain from washing said shirt. I feel I am privy to a snapshot of my boy's day that he may not think is important enough to tell me. Some insight into his activities..

For example:
  • His strange request for capsicum in his lunch as a snack was in fact consumed with gusto, evident by the drips of red juice on his shirt. This means he is stretching his palate. Good for him.
  • His effort in the cross country showed by the mud splashes up his back, the reminders of previous rain puddles
  • Play at lunchtime was something like touch football, evident by the dirty grass 'slides' on the front of his shirt. This must mean he is playing with others, has friends and put in a huge effort
  • Egg on his shirt today meant that his science experiment of dropping an egg 4 meters without breaking, did infact fail. Pity, he worked so hard on his prototype which involved beanbag beans, bubble wrap, a coke can and cotton wool. We had such high hopes for that.
  • He also enjoyed his nachos that he got at tuckshop although it didn't seem to have much chilli sauce but plenty of cheese
Egg, dirt.... we have it all

I have been surprised at the information I have gleaned about Master T's day. I didn't really think I was that observant. Good to know I am and that I am rising to the challenge of trying to keep the shirt white for the school trip to Canberra and Sydney in August.

How observant are you in everyday life? I think I watch too much CSI/ Crime Channel

What do you think?

Ciao for now...


Sunday 1 April 2012

just Personality...


I've been reflective for a while now. Where am I going?, what am I doing? sort of stuff. Not crisis time but just thinking, thinking, thinking... There are changes afoot at work and my inner stability is somewhat off axis. Times are a-changing and I need to decide if I need to go with the flow or swim upstream. I have a heaviness in my heart. Do you ever get that?

I have an amazing friend who has just completed a Myer-Briggs test to understand herself better. I did one through a workshop years ago and was very upset to learn I was an introvert. I didn't want to be an introvert. I wanted to be one of those people that others flock to, not the life of the party per se but someone others were excited to see, to be around. Someone who, when they arrive, you breathe a sigh of relief.

I did the test again

I'm still an introvert


This time I have read more and am more comfortable with the explanations. Maybe I am more mature or maybe I can see past the label, past the negative connotations I previously lamented upon.

It is me.

I am more comfortable with the strengths and limitations as defined by the quiz.

But still. I am me

It does explain why though I was more than happy to drop my friends off at a party rather than go to the party myself.

Ciao for now...

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